ArminéJun 30, 2021MODERN MANNERS MONDAY - Food Service -food is served from the left and removed from the right side of each diner. Beverages are served and removed from the right. You may need...
ArminéNov 4, 2020MODERN MANNERS MONDAY -AFTERNOON TEA RULES No forks! If food is too big to serve without a fork - then don’t serve it. Only leave spreaders for jam and cream on...
ArminéSep 24, 2020MODERN MANNERS MONDAY - food sensitivitiesA savvy host should ask if you have any food sensitivities. Let the host know in a brief manner. If the host doesn't ask, it's the duty...
ArminéSep 15, 2020MODERN MANNERS MONDAY Respect Your Restaurant -These are difficult times for restaurants and some are in financial crisis. During COVID-19 most restaurants require you to make...
ArminéAug 27, 2020MODERN MANNERS MONDAY How To Have a Beautiful Dayslow down smile at strangers observe and listen say please and thank you give compliments laugh be kind wish others a beautiful day.
ArminéAug 16, 2020MODERN MANNERS MONDAY • Good GuestA good guest should always bring a gift. You should never walk into someone's home empty-handed. Always bring a small, thoughtful or even...