ArminéFeb 19, 2018Modern Manners Monday - Thank You NotesEveryone appreciates being notified of their kind efforts through a sincere thank you note, which can also build relationships and...
ArminéFeb 18, 2018Modern Manners Monday - Champagne & Sparkling WineChampagne & sparkling wine are beverages that awaken pleasant memories of celebration, success, love & romance. Only the sparkling wine...
ArminéJan 16, 2017Table SettingI love this table setting I did for lunch few weeks back. I like the use of a mini wood coaster as a bread plate. But... there is a very...
ArminéJan 9, 2017Afternoon TeaModern Manners afternoon tea with little people or big. You can book your child's special birthday party now. How fun will that be. For...